List of things:
- LUMBERJERKS the first two of many LumberJerks segments are finished, and waiting on a few minor technical delays before they'll be up on the site. If you haven't heard of this series yet, let me tell you it's HYPE. One of the bits is a trailer, and the other is an old silent film that was found in some old case with a projector in an attic.
- THRICE. An interview with them. Expect one.
- SAY ANYTHING. An interview with them. Expect one of those, as well.
- VIDEO BLOGS. I've been having formatting issues with my blogs. Really it's not a big deal, but I have picky (ie: detrimental) standards. I'm re-rendering them all and re-uploading them. So episode 1 will be back, and episode 5 will be done as well (Oh wait, you didn't know about episode 4?)
- A WALK THROUGH THE ALLEY. Remember that old short that featured Brian Morgan falling in love with a bowling ball? We're re-shooting it the second I get back from NY.
- NEW YORK FUCKIN CITY I'm going to NY tomorrow morning. I will be there for a week. Perhaps some of this will manifest in interesting video content.
- BEHIND CLOSED DOORS a surreal horror short that I cut is wrapping up post production, and will be screened, many times, in many places, in the near future. Check out my video blog, episode 3 to see behind the scenes stuff.
- 6 HOURS AWAY I shot a short directed and produced produced by Graham Sheppard and Vanessa Jung. It is also wrapping up post, so stay tuned. It's pretty much some of the best DV footage I've ever shot. I'll post info on screenings as it wraps up.
- BEHIND MY EYES I wasn't going to mention this one because it's still in early post, but I shot a cerebral horror for Bob Barrow, and damn, I hate to toot my own horn, but it looks sexy. Well, as sexy as a shirtless man pulling his own teeth out can be, anyway. Again, I'll post links/screening dates when I can, but just hold tight since it's so early in post. Fellow OFFLINER Steve Leck is rumored to be editing it...
That's all. It's 3am and I start driving at 9:30 am. I should start packing, shouldn't I?
Give Peter D in NYC a big hug for me :D
John, you're a crazy motherfucker! How do you have time for all this? Love your dedication, love your commitment, love your button nose.
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