Three weeks ago I left Sim Video. I had a great time there, made bags of money, learned mountains of information and met rooms full of great people. It was time though, for me to move on and do my best experiencing this thing known as 'the industry' (aka: field, business, real world). I thank everybody at Sim for a great ten months. Here is a photo journal of my departure, by Mr. Matt Hardstaff:
Here is me at work, on my second last day:

Here I am, leaving at the end of the day:

Hayley waves goodbye:

Adam watches... and waits...

Anyway, since then I've been editing. All day, nearly everyday. My skin has paled as have my eyes.
I spent a solid week working on Faun Fable's Transit Rider video, which will be wrapping up very soon. We aren't sure what we're going to do with it; there are many options. At the very least the best handful of songs will be available online, somewhere. It's pretty fun stuff.
I've also recently started doing a bit of post work for Johnny Soporno and that has been developing fantastically.
A couple of nights ago I couldn't sleep and so I put together these clips from The Caped Avengah. It's alternative takes and bloopers, despite the fact that I hate blooper reels. They're always overly repetitious. "Oh, look! Edward Norton can't stop laughing!" So, uh, if my blooper reel sucks and I'm a complete hypocrite, let me know so I never make another one again.
I've also been going over my other old stuff, cleaning it up either for presentation or to put away in boxes, never to see the light of day again. Check in every now and again to see how that develops. All you old BCHS colleagues will appreciate them, anyway.
Thanks for reading.
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