Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Caped Avengah Kills!

An MSN log play-by-play of somebody watching the Caped Avengah trailer:

Mr. Moo says: (9:01:54 PM)
Mr. Moo says: (9:03:33 PM)
Mr. Moo says: (9:03:36 PM)
wtf am i watching
Mr. Moo says: (9:04:09 PM)
oh... oh my god
Mr. Moo says: (9:04:19 PM)
I want to kill myself
Mr. Moo says: (9:04:21 PM)
Mr. Moo says: (9:04:28 PM)
i just heard him yelling at the pie
Mr. Moo says: (9:04:30 PM)
that killed me

Could this be the best video of all time? I doubt it, but the film Titanic killed forty nine people* and my video's trailer is at one. Only forty eight to go!


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