Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year's Screen Resolution: 1280x800... Same as last year.

So I got another package from the LumberJerks. It had this nice card, a vhs tape with their latest work, a new show called "Bill's Home Videos" and a note promising another episode later in the month.

So I suppose it didn't occur to them when sending a Christmas card, to send it in advance so it arrives before Christmas; not to put the card in the mail on Christmas. Oh well, I still enjoyed it.

I've uploaded the first episode of Bill's Home Videos, catch it here.

Also, I recently put together a silly little short from old footage, so that'll be up soon. It stars... Brian and Corey, of course. I mean, I have plenty of friends, but... well it's not like they're my only friends.

So Happy New Years! And if you missed it, a couple days ago was a google adds site briefly. Here's a screenshot just in case you wanted to know how you could speed up Outlook or get a trial of Paintshop Pro.


Ben Z Cooper said...

LumberJerks rule! YEAH! BALL OUTS!

Steve said...

Good on them for the holiday spirit.