First order of news, until the next blog (c'mon just being realistic here): RIP RUSTY
RUSTY CHEWBUGS BAXTER: (other known aliases: Roostor, Pusty, Russ, dog) Tuesday August 5th, a day that will live in infamy for the Baxter family, and for others as well Although for the others it'll live in infamy in the same way that Pearl Harbour does... I mean, can you actually off the top of your head tell me what day of the year the Japonese attacked? It's okay, I don't expect you to remember Rusty's death day. Err.... Moving on.
Anyway, he was a wicked bad ass and slightly wimpy dog. I loved him. He died 12 years old, an average age for a dog of his size to die. Earlier this year he had a terrible skin condition where he lost a lot of his hair. When the condition passed, his hair re-grew as richly coloured as it was when he was a puppy. It really was amazing. At the same time though his lungs and heart were getting worse. On Monday the 4th, him and I went through our regular 2am routine of me coaxing him out of my room so he doesn't wake me up four hours later. The next morning my sister and I woke up to the sound of Rusty trying really hard to keep his breath. We drove to the emergency animal hospital, and he died in my arms on the way. I experienced it shit, piss, death slobber and all. I hand my hand on his heart when it stopped beating.
My sister is really strong for being able to drive and get us to the hospital despite her dog dieing right beside her.
Here is the last photo of him ever taken, by mister Ben Cooper:

I stay up late most nights. Every time I get up to go to the restroom or get a snack, I open the door to the dark hallway and am surprised to not see rusty waiting outside of my door, trying to get in my room to sleep at the foot of my bed.
Leave comments for rusty; I heard canine spirits can access the internet.