On our first night before heading out, we hung out with some fishers. A man and his wife caught a shark! This shark was five and a half feet long. He chopped it up and put the meat in a bucket to eat later. I bet he still hasn't eaten all of that shark meat!
The Journey begins!
Brian likes the Everglades as much as I do! See those roots hanging in the air behind him? Chest-nut sized crabs would scuttle up and down the roots and keep on the opposite side to keep out of sight. That's why you can't see them!
Here is white man's bastardized version of a chickee hut! Usually these are what I slept on.
This teenaged gator decided to give us a visit. I don't know if he knew that humans are predators or not, but either way we didn't have any guns or forks, so killing and eating him wasn't an option, unfortunately. He was a really lazy gator, he just swam with his tail, leaving his limbs floating at his sides.
Nope, that's not a dirty lens. It's a gaggle of birds! It was huge! Like a rain cloud on crack! It was just like in "Fellowship of the Ring" when all those birds came flying down to spy on the not-very-hidden fellowship. I hope Sauron isn't after me!
Here's a shipwreck we found on the Gulf coast!
Here's the friendly people who were stranded due to wrecking their ship. They were stuck on a desert island for four days! They said that everyone who passed them ignored them, until the people just before us, who arranged for them to be saved the next day. They kind of look like Woody Harrelson. They had two little chihuahuas named Taco and Nacho.
Birds keeping cool by the water.
Our campsite on the coast. If you look hard enough you can see Cuba!
Here's dad making food for us to digest with our stomachs!
This is the biggest Gator we saw. He was at least 8 feet long. I call him Mr. Aligatorade. He's a thirsty gator! Every day he drinks the water in the everglades to the point that the water level drops! My dad said that's the tide, but I don't understand what laundry detergent has to do with that.
Here we are, seven days later, in the town of Flamingo. Next: Two Coronas and a bag of cool ranch Doritos!